
ML Vehicle Paper

Machine Learning Based Educational Car Robot Available for Download

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August 19, 2024

Over the last three years under Robotics for Everyone initiative, we have presented multiple design ideas that enable low cost, reconfigurable mobile as well as non-mobile robotic systems at the Solid Freeform Fabrication conference at the University of Texas, Austin, as well as other avenues with industry professionals. Most of the R4E designs were limited to basic experiments in Robot navigation, obstacle avoidance, sensor (proximity, touch, ultrasonic) based environment perception and simple pick and place tasks. In this vehicle we are offering a platform that can be used for furthering the learning and experimentation  in advanced topics such as vision system and machine learning. The system uses reconfigurable parts combined with 3D printed parts to build an actively steered robot. The system allows usage of cost-effective computational platforms such as Raspberry Pi and compatible camera. The system can also be expanded to use other advanced computing platforms and sensors such as LIDARs. 

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