What We Do
The future of the world lies in the field of STEM.
To innovate sustainable energy, advance healthcare, increase security, provide for the less fortunate and create a greener future.
Unfortunately, STEM is also a deeply inaccessible field. Even according to the U.S. Census Bureau, students in rural and low-income areas face an almost insurmountable gap in access to hands-on learning, and even to viable role models in these disciplines. This disparity grows exponentially when looking at developing nations.
Robotics for Everyone was founded with a three pronged approach to eliminate STEM disparity across the globe. Period.
While being the most straightforward of the three, advocacy is an extremely important goal to realize. In areas where robotics teams grow like vines and we're surrounded by top-quality science fairs, it’s hard to imagine a world without educational STEM. We must spread the word to increase widespread understanding of dangerous disparities limiting children from achieving their full potential.
Robotics for Everyone utilizes a global community to increase public knowledge of the educational gap. We present at conferences to reach cutting-edge researchers, work with industry professionals to relay the message, and advocate on social media. We will continue to fight STEM disparity through awareness. You can help by spreading the word!
Competitive robotics kits tend to cost upwards of hundreds, or even thousands of dollars and are unfathomably complex to students who have never so much as touched a Lego brick, in areas where poverty runs rampant. Meanwhile, learning tools like the Arduino UNO cost less than thirty dollars, and are easy ways to learn coding, circuitry, and experimentation. To allow for greater access to these tools, we have begun amassing a comprehensive library of parts to be used by students for experimentation, whether through CAD, or by 3D printing. Many of the parts can be replaced with household items. As we grow and raise money, we plan to begin shipping free kits to students across the globe, free of charge. We're also collaborating with a global plastic provider, CIPET, for 3D Printing parts.
Across the country and world, many students see the STEM field as a gated-off dream; unachievable. Our primary goal is to enable volunteers to go out into their communities and teach robotics in any way they can, whether through hands-on workshops or problem-based forums. We've currently run several workshops in ten states globally and two countries. We currently have a large and growing volunteer army, and are in the process of creating lesson plans, while spreading access to already-existing ones. We aim to impact elementary and middle-grade students, for the most part, but have curriculum available for older skillsets as well.